What Causes AIRBR804 to be Issued?
Common reasons for the issuance of this notice include:
- Misentered TINs or SSNs.
- Use of outdated or incorrect employee information.
- Typographical errors during data entry.
Implications of Receiving AIRBR804
Receiving Notice AIRBR804 can lead to several complications for an employer, such as:
- Delays in the processing of ACA-related documents.
- Potential penalties for incorrect submissions.
- Increased administrative burden to correct and resubmit forms.
Responding to AIRBR804
To effectively address this notice, employers should:
- Review the employee information for accuracy against company records.
- Correct any discrepancies on Form 1094-C and refile it with the correct information.
- Implement stringent verification processes for future filings.
Preventing Future AIRBR804 Notices
To avoid similar issues in the future:
- Ensure regular updates to employee records to reflect current and correct information.
- Employ robust validation tools like ACA-Track, which offers features to check TIN and SSN accuracy before submission.
- Conduct regular training for staff responsible for data entry and ACA compliance.