Yes. ACA-Track looks at the hire date or other appropriate date field as defined in the admin section when a snapshot is run. If the hire date is greater than the company/district measurement start date, an individual measurement period is set. When the person reaches the end of the individual measurement period, the company measurement period is used and all averages recomputed for the company measurement period when a new snapshot is run.
ACA-Track offers the option of using the actual hire date or using the first day of following month.
The system automatically calculates the weeks and the months between the first day of work (hire date or first day of following month) and the snapshot “as of date” and produces weekly and monthly averages on an individual basis. Whenever the snapshot is run, the averages are correct for each employee regardless of the first day worked method selected. After the individual measurement period expires, the system detects this and automatically recalculates the weekly and monthly averages based on the company measurement period.