7 Steps to Successful Open Enrollment
PSST encourages you to follow the seven suggestions below to ensure:
• a final ACCURATE and COMPLETE snapshot of ACA data
• employees who have qualified for offers are identified
• offers, acceptance and waivers are documented
- Review current ACA-Track™ settings and configurations to ensure that the parameters are accurate for the final snapshot of the measurement period.
- Enter any and all employer breaks greater than 28 days for the measurement period (i.e., summer break 2017) into Event Tracking.
- If configurations and employer breaks are accurate, complete a final snapshot, using the employer’s Last Date of the Measurement Period.
- Review snapshot data and identify employees who have met hours/average threshold by weekly or monthly terms or averages.
- Check the measurement periods of individual employees to ensure the employee is not still in his/her individual initial measurement period.
- Document offers of insurance and signed waiver or acceptance (can be done in Event Tracking module). Include the start and end dates, ongoing through the last day of the Administrative Period.
- The lack of a response from an employee that qualified and was offered insurance may require that the employee be enrolled at the lowest cost single premium for health insurance offered for the stability period. Each employer may be different. If this is the case, those employees must be enrolled.